Friday, June 11, 2010

Hello every one!

Sorry it's been a while since my last post. It's been a very busy few weeks...getting the house cleaned up and put back together again after some construction and re-doing of floors. Patrick was very happy and excited after coming home last Thursday. It was a bit of a rough weekend but I was so happy to have him home! It's been a long six weeks.
We had our first bi-weekly check-up at COH on Monday. When his labs came back his white cell count was elevated, indicating an infection, and we were told that Patrick would have to be re-admitted. Not the news we wanted or expected. By Tuesday they had found that it was a bacterial infection that could be treated with antibiotics. Very good news. By Wednesday his counts were almost back to normal and Patrick came home again on Thursday! Best news!
Patrick is doing very well. He's happy to be home and continue his recovery.